Cha Gorreana - the oldest tea of Europe

Cha Gorreana Plantage

This week we came across an article pictured below from the New York Times from 1879. The article discussed Gorreana tea from the Azores.n.

As can be seen from the article, two Chinese tea farmers were ordered to the island of Sao Miguel in 1879 to inspect the tea plants on site.

Cha Gorreana Artikel New York Times

After successfully analyzing the tea plants, the two Chinese tea farmers came to the conclusion that the quality of the tea plants is comparable to the best types of tea from China. At that time it was already assumed that the tea would increasingly be offered on the European market in the coming years.

Around 140 years later, the tea with its new varieties from this year found its way into our online boutique. Despite the higher costs for land and the payment of the tea pickers on the plantations compared to the competition from Asia, the tea from Cha Gorreana was able to hold its own in Europe.

The Boutiqua Portuguesa is proud to be part of the spread of this tea in Germany and is pleased to be able to offer you the natural teas without additional flavors or chemical additives in the future.

Source photo: Cha Gorreana

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