Ukraine Tee
Stand with Ukraine Tee


Regular price €4,20 Sale price €5,90 Unit price €4,20per100g
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This lighter Portuguese black tea was brought to market by us on the occasion of the Ukraine crisis. The black tea is obtained from the 3rd leaf of the tea plant and is very digestible as a mild everyday tea.

Flavour profile: Fresh, tangy, mild

The profits from the sales of this tea will be donated to those affected by the Ukraine crisis. The donations will go to the Integration-Kulturzentrum e.V. in the district of Mettmann. There, the people in charge are committed to helping children and young people from orphanages in the west of Ukraine. As the orphanages in western Ukraine are now overcrowded with children and young people from eastern Ukraine, donations are urgently needed.


Brewing time: 4 to 7 Minutes
Temperature: 90° to 95° C
1 teaspoon (2,5g) per cup

Store in a cool & dry place, protect from sunlight.

Start with freshly boiled water and cool it down to approximately 90 to 95 degrees. Then, brew one teaspoon of tea per person in a teapot or teacup. Let the tea steep for about 4 to 7 minutes, depending on the desired tea intensity. As our teas do not contain any additional aromas or flavours, we recommend that you adjust the optimal brewing time to the desired tea intensity.


Black tea "Broken Leaf"